Thursday, June 23, 2011

a grus fun New York! (Greetings from New York)

I've been in New York at the YIVO summer program for four days now. I haven't had a lot of time to sit down and write anything on here; the workload has been zeyer grois (very big). I've finished my first week of language classes and am amazed at how much I have learned in only four days of class. The breakdown of the class is as follows:

9:00-10:45 - literature class. focus on reading stories and vocab.
10:45-11:15 - break. usually get coffee with class in JTS cafe
11:15-1:00 - grammar class. focus on leaning syntax.
1:00-2:15 - lunch. either in JTS deli or shops around the upper west side.
2:15-3:30 - conversation class.
3:45-5:00 - some sort of programing, (films, lectures, songs...)

My beginners class has 11 people, most of whom are in their late 20s or early 30s and are either PHD students or already have their doctorate. As you can imagine, the class moves very quickly, especially considering most people in the class have or will have careers in academia. A kid from Brandies and I are the only undergrads in the whole program of 40 people. The people in class are great, and the age gap between myself and them seems non-existent in class, were all in it together. Class is challenging by very fun at the same time. There are always jokes and funny moments; I feel very comfortable with my peers.  

The teachers are also great. Very energetic and engaging. This past Monday-Thursday, as I imagine most M-TH will be, I have little time to go out and explore the city. Most of my weekday is either spent in class, or doing homework for class; it's a lot but hopefully it will pay off.

Today, the arbeter ring (Yiddish workman's circle) had a book sale down on 37th street and 6th ave. It was a nice break from mid-week studying, and I ended up buying 6 great books, 2 in Yiddish, for 6 dollars. A real metsiah. This weekend I'm planning on exploring greenwich village and the lower east side (I'm curious about the bialis...) , and if I feel bold, venturing into williamsburg or borough park to try and by some yiddish kinder bichir (yiddish children books). These in theory would help me with my reading comprehension. Hopefully I'll make some time to write another post after weekend.

dos is ale far itzt! (that is all for now)

zie gezunt


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